Mocap Duct Test Point Plugs, 5mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm & 20mm (/100pk)


I do like these polyethylene centre pull Test Point blanking plugs for 5mm/10mm/12mm/15mm/20mm duct Test Point holes. They are easy to insert and remove. In my opinion well worth the very small premium in price over the blind rubber grommet plugs. Material: Low-Density Polyethylene (RED) NOTE: Be careful to drill duct holes accurately as some…



I do like these polyethylene centre pull Test Point blanking plugs for 5mm/10mm/12mm/15mm/20mm duct Test Point holes.

They are easy to insert and remove.

In my opinion well worth the very small premium in price over the blind rubber grommet plugs.

  • Material: Low-Density Polyethylene (RED)

NOTE: Be careful to drill duct holes accurately as some of the tapered Mocaps will only have 0.2 – 0.4mm excess over the nominal size quoted.  That means for a 15mm Mocap – if your final hole is 15.4mm – the cap may be a bit of a loose fit 🙁

Dimensions of bottom/top of plug tapers (in mm) – Be careful to drill your holes accurately! :-

5mm     3.7/5.2

10mm   9.2/10.9

12mm   10.6/12.3

15mm   13,5/15.4

20mm   19.1/21.5

Sold in packs of 100 caps/plugs

NEW!  “MIXED PACK – by popular request we are offering a ‘mixed’ bag of sizes.  These are predominantly 10mm Mocaps but also contains 5mm, 12mm, 15mm and 20mm variations (for filling in other tester’s holes 🙂 ).  Bag contains; 300 x 10mm, 50 x 5mm, 50 x 12mm, 50 x 15mm 50 x 20mm.

Additional information

Select Cap Size

5mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 16mm, 20mm, Mixed Bag